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World Health Academy Dermatology and Pediatrics (WHAD&P) is a medical organization that is a member of the World Health Academy (WHA) group that was born in 2019 to carry out the international dissemination of medical knowledge in the field of Pediatric Dermatology. With that intention, he proposed to ASADEPE that it hold the First World Congress of the specialty in Buenos Aires. ASADEPE is the Argentine Association of Pediatric Dermatology, an institution dedicated to that discipline with 30 years of existence, its own house in Buenos Aires, numerous members and a scientific program of continuing education, which it has developed annually since its origins.

Among his achievements, it is worth highlighting that he provided the framework in Argentina for the creation of the University Residency in Pediatric Dermatology, the University Specialist Career, and getting the health authorities to recognize it as a specialty throughout the nation. Reviewing his feverish scientific activity, among the numerous national and international congresses that he held, the Seventh International Congress of Pediatric Dermatology on behalf of the ISPD, held in 1994, and the Eighth Latin American Congress of Pediatric Dermatology on behalf of the SLADP, held in 2016. Because it knows, can and wants to do it, ASADEPE accepted the request of WHAD&P to organize this First Pediatric Dermatology World Congress in Buenos Aires.

A World Congress is a universal meeting of colleagues, willing to share experiences in the search for truth to grow together. We chose a University to do it, because it is the area where the truth is sought through study, research and teaching, producing and transmitting scientific knowledge, with the conviction that there is a deep union between that task, the truth and the good. We believe that the Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina shares that conviction which, added to its history, provides it with the necessary requirements to ensure respect for those principles.

In the near past, the pandemic brought us virtuality and thus we discovered streaming, that excellent tool to communicate across distances. Fortunately, the pandemic passed and that is why we recovered in-person activity, truly irreplaceable, but we decided to maintain virtuality, as a very good resource to bring the World Congress to all colleagues who, for different reasons, cannot be present. Doing so will also allow attendees to participate in simultaneous meetings and review the contents later, because they will remain hosted on the World Congress platform for three months. We prepare a broad program, contemplating all facets of the specialty, with special emphasis on advances, but we also orient the programming to attend to the training of those who cover the first level of care. To execute it, we call on specialists of recognized prestige and also young promises who, in a short time without a doubt, will be in everyone´s consideration.

We thank all of them for the willingness they had to join this ambitious proposal and we must also thank the pharmaceutical industry that, more and more quickly, presents us with new therapeutics that often exceed our capacity for surprise. We trust that this I Pediatric Dermatology World Congress will be the appropriate vehicle to strengthen old links and generate new ones, on a scientific level it will be useful to discover new ways to effectively treat pathologies and will also be the cornerstone of successive world congresses convened by WHAD&P. We have worked a lot to prepare it and that is why we hope that you enjoy it and take advantage of it and that, when the microphones are silenced, the lights go out and you return to your countries, remember that, in this part of the world, you will have left a large group of doctors who love what they do and therefore, every day they work, study and research because they want Pediatric Dermatology of excellence. Dear friends and colleagues, on behalf of the Organizing Committee we say "Welcome to the beautiful Buenos Aires" that awaits you with its warm October weather, the daytime frenzy of its noisy people, the magic of its endless nights and the charm of walking through its beautiful squares, parks and avenues.

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